The exact characteristics of the employee participation program via GmbH tokens compared to normal company shares, ESOP and VSOP are shown in the following table.

Company shares ESOP VSOP GmbH token
Complexity Notarization + commercial register Notarized by contract with employee Contract with employee Contract with employee + digital token
Taxes Income tax (14-45%) + tax on capital gains (~25%) "dry income" Income tax (14-45%) on exercise (often only possible on exit)+ tax (~25%) for capital gains thereafter. Income tax (14-45%) on exit Income tax (14-45%) on minting + Tax (~25%) for capital gains thereafter. Employee chooses the mint date
Liquidity Only notarially transferable Not transferable Not transferable Easily transferable (secondary market)
Rights Like shareholders From exercise like shareholders Usually only exit proceeds From minting onwards, economically as shareholders + put option

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