How does our GmbH token compare to a convertible loan or a classic capital increase? The following table highlights the key differences.

Criterion GmbH-Token Convertible loan Capital increase
Form of participation Digital profit participation right in the form of GmbH tokens Loan that can later be converted into shares Direct issue of new shares
Shareholder rights No No, only after conversion Yes
Economic participation in current profit Yes, like โ€œrealโ€ GmbH shares No, only after conversion Yes
Voting rights No, only after conversion (put option) No, only after conversion into shares Yes
Commercial register entry Required only for conversion (put option) Required for conversion Required
Bureaucratic effort Low (digital processing via web application, one-time shareholder resolution) Medium (contractual provision, notarized capital increase required for conversion, shareholder resolution) High (notarization of a capital increase, entry in the commercial register, shareholder resolution)
Flexibility High (fast transaction capability via blockchain) Medium (contract design flexible, but conversion necessary) Low (fixed portions, long-term obligations)

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